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Tame-Test - Services

Tame-Test offers three sets of services

Tame-Test - Services

As an expert in testing strategies, design for testability and MOC (Maintenance in Operational Conditions), Tame-Test is there to support you throughout the entire life of your product. 

Why take testing into account in the early phases of product design?


The objective of this service is to find the best "test strategy" recipe based on several ingredients that you can find on the ScopeSolution page: 

  • The quality of your product
  • The proposed manufacturing process
  • Reliability tests (burn-in, early detection of failures)
  • Our feedback in terms of measurements and failures
  • Existing and/or new testing equipment
  • The cost of your product
  • and more 

Test strategy is a question of compromise and balancing these ingredients! 

A strategy must evolve and live. We advise you throughout the entire life of your product and encourage its evolution through our innovative software suite Tame-Data. The monitoring of test results has never been so effective.


From the early design phase, it is essential to orient the design of your product so that it is easily and efficiently testable. Taking into account the intended application and the environment in which the material will evolve, Tame-Test offers analysis solutions spanning from “Design for Test” all the way to product production: 

  • Analysis and recommendations for hardware design
  • Analysis and recommendations for software design
  • Analysis and recommendations involving functional tests
  • Analysis and recommendations involving the boundary scan (JTAG)
  • Overall predictive calculation of the test cones of the cards and integrations
  • and more 

Manufacture efficiently: by taking testing into account early on, and during all phases, you increase quality, delivery times, profitability, and more. 

Why monitor and maintain your test equipment?


Test equipment must be maintained throughout the lifetime of your product. Our LifeSolution service guides you and oversees several aspects: 

  • Curative maintenance
  • Preventive maintenance
  • Retrofits due to:
  • Obsolescence
  • Technological developments
  • Developments in test specification
  • Developments in strategy 

LifeSolution is applicable to test equipment developed by Tame-Test, but also to other equipment, whatever the physical and software technologies used.


These products and services apply to the fields historically addressed by TRONICO: 

  • Automotive (electric and hydrogen)
  • Oil
  • Aeronautics
  • Defense
  • Space
  • Medical
  • Industrial

26 rue du Bocage
85660 Saint-Philbert-de-Bouaine

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